Bolivia’s army is turning on opposition rallies and killing

Photo from the Daily Mail: Bolivian Troops open fire with live ammunition on 16 November

Contributed from Victoria

The coup by the armed forces that forced the resignation and flight to Mexico of the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has sparked ongoing chaos in the streets of the capital La Paz and other population centres throughout the nation.

Crowd gathering in La Path on 14 November as unions call for nationwide strike

Video from Ruptly

Just a week ago, the commanders of the police and armed forces declared that they would not be used against their own people. Now they have changed their mind and are deploying their forces with an increasing level of brutality.

By doing this they make it clear that they are political instruments of that small group of people who have long controlled the economy and politics of the nation; a power that Evo Morales had tried to curtail.

This was yesterday

Video from ILAVE YORK


Posted by ILAVE YORK on Saturday, November 16, 2019

Opponents of the coup are taking to the streets daily. They are blocking roads to impact on the economy and show that business will not be carried out as usual, so long as the coup prevails.

Blockages and shortages in La Paz

Video from FRANCE 24

Shooting of unarmed civilians has started and the death toll is already at 23. Many more have been injured.  It is set to get much worse.

Last Friday, the army opened fire into a crowd. In the central city of Sacaba. Eight lost their lives from bullet wounds.

Shooting in Sacaba

Video from FRANCE 24

Photo from STR/AFP : Relatives mourn by the coffins of the dead in Sacaba

The United nations has warned that mounting unrest could “spin out of control,” and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has condemned the administration of the new president Jeanine Anez, for issuing a decree that “exempts from criminal responsibility,” soldiers taking part in efforts to suppress the unrest.

Protests Break Out in Sucre

Video from VOA News

The biggest supporter of the coup is the United States, which immediately gave a public endorsement and recognised the new president, who proclaimed herself without a vote of the national Assembly.

A central demand of the protests is for Jeanine Anez to resign.

She has said that an election will be held as soon as possible. No date has been set and she has said only those of “good character” will be able to take part. This will ensure that whether its herself or someone else, the next president will be a supporter of the coup and loyal to the elite. Evo Morales will not be allowed to stand.

Opponents are also calling for the return of Evo Morales.

Talk have begun between the political representatives of the coup and the Movement for Socialism (MAS) party. It has produced no results so far. But the National Assambly, is due to meet and discuss resolving the crisis. MAS has a two thirds majority of deputies.

The question is whether the vote of the parliament is going to be respected, or is it going to be stripped of its authority and the coup consolidated?

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