Video: Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro praises Cuba and China for help with Covid- 19

This is part of the 10 March report to doctors on the pandemic threat and Venezuela’s response. this was the nation’s Doctors Day.

Venezuela has been preparing for the likely outbreak of Covid- 19 in that country and is receiving help to overcome the embargo in medicines. Cuba and China have worked together, to lead the global response against the pandemic. The are succeeding, while other countries are relying on the big pharma companies to provide the answer. Cuba and China have adapted interferon, which has helped to cure thousands and brought about a dive in infection rates.

Video from Libert Mayea Linares

Bueno y ahora que van a decir los inventores del corona Virus estoy muy seguro que es verdad y si es así de verdad pues que VIVA CUBA 🇨🇺 Y LA MEDICINA CUBANA así siendo un país tercermundista o como le digan tenemos también muchas cosas positiva. Hoy y siempre.

Posted by Libert Mayea Linares on Friday, March 13, 2020

Venezuela Initiates Social Quarantine to Contain COVID-19

The quarantine was decided at the right time to avoid further spread of the virus. Read More.

Cuban technology has been important in the fight against to the pandemic in China and is available for other countries that need it

Video from TeleSur English

Cuban Medicine Used To Fight Coronavirus

The world is trying to stop the spreading of the coronavirus and a Cuba-developed medicine is up to the task.

Posted by teleSUR English on Thursday, February 6, 2020

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