Dad faces unjust deportation

Photo from the Geelong Advertiser: Christian Feetham and his 7-year old daughter Rivah
Contributed from Victoria

Christian Feetham’s story is a case where the chase for law and 0orderr has gone horribly wrong. The Apollo Bay resident turned out to be a soft target, to exercise the new deportation regime, for individuals involved in criminal activities.

It is one thing to apply this to those found guilty of serious crimes and show no signs of  changing.  There must be a bit of perspective here. This case shows how widely the net has been cast. Civil libertarians warned that the new approach would be used against those who do not deserve this sort of punishment.

The inhumanity in dealing with the boat people is now starting to be applied to others.

On Sunday, about 500 members of the Apollo Bay community committed to walking in support of Mr Feetham.

Sure. Feetham got himself into trouble when he was young. After being abused as a child, he ended up in foster care, where he was socialised as an angry outcast. He ended up serving a total four years in prison, over assault and driving charges. Despite everything, he sorted himself out, got married and had children.

He had a job, volunteered to help the community at Wye River, after horror bushfires destroyed more than 100 homes, and helps to run a 200-acre Apollo Bay farm that has been in the family for 85 years.

Because of mistakes in the past, he was arrested by the Border Force and has  spent months in detention centres around Melbourne so far .

He faces the prospect of being sent to New Zealand, because he happened to have been born there, while his parents were there on temporary work. Their son faces deportation through a technicality. He came to Australia as a baby and can in no way be really called a New Zealander. He has no memories of or connection to the place.

The second technicality is that, because it was not required, his parents did not register as Australian citizens.  They were still permanent residents and have lived a life in Australia. Tens of thousands of others from New Zealand and the United Kingdom are in the same boat, and what has happened to Christian Feetham potentially threatens them too.

This is a clear misuse of power, and victimisation of  a section of the Australian population.  Some people are set up as second-class citizens. It should not be this way.

Nor should this deportation go ahead. This is not a habitual criminal guilty of serious crimes. To have the rug pulled under his life and break up an Australian family is wrong.

It is time to release the man.



5 Comments on "Dad faces unjust deportation"

  1. Richard Moulton | 23 October 2018 at 8:47 pm | Reply


  2. Great article well written …all true information

  3. a lot of Dad facing unjust deportation

  4. A travesty of justice. If Christian goes to New Zealand with his clear plastic bag of clothes (his only possession) he will enter a country with no home, no family, no friends, and no money. How can this help anyone? He has family and friends who love him here and he is completely reformed. This can not be allowed to happen. Where is the Justice in all of this?

  5. Just for the record…. Christians mother, grand parents (maternal side) great grandmother are Australians.

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