The scale of this water heist is unfathomable

Murray Darling river system depleted downriver
From the Australian Conservation Foundation

Reaction against the ABC’s Four Corners revelation0over what looks like the most outrageous river water theft in Australia’s history has been swift.

The Australian Conservation Foundation has become involved and called on people to sign a petition to put a stop to it.

This is what the pro-environment organisation had to say.

If allegations raised are accurate, several rogue irrigators in NSW are stealing billions of litres of water from the Murray-Darling Basin.

And despite clear evidence of illegal activity, people at the highest levels of the NSW government appear to have done nothing to stop them.

Will you send a quick email to demand an immediate and thorough Senate Inquiry into this greed, mismanagement and plunder?

We’ve drafted a sample email. Make it more powerful by adding a few sentences about why you care!

The evidence ACF, the Environment Defenders Office and 4 Corners have unearthed over the past year is alarming. Illegal pumps so powerful, they make the river flow upstream. Massive hidden dams. Top government officials apparently shutting down active investigations, leaking confidential documents and helping irrigators find loopholes to abuse the rules. And more.

Meanwhile, the river’s fragile ecosystem and communities downstream are desperate for a proper drink.

Winding across five states, the Murray-Darling Basin nourishes ancient river red gums. Its creeks and wetlands are nurseries for fish, frogs and turtles. They’re the last refuge for many threatened species and a place for birds migrating from as far away as the Arctic to rest.

And they sustain 20,000 farms, towns, cities and millions of people.

As last night’s report shows, while this handful of giant rogue irrigators appear to get richer and richer stealing river water, towns like Broken Hill have nearly run dry.

There must be an independent investigation and consequences.


7 Comments on "The scale of this water heist is unfathomable"

  1. Marion Johnson | 26 July 2017 at 6:19 am | Reply

    Please put a stop to this water theft and restore the Murray Darling Basin.
    Marion Johnson

  2. Lyn Summers | 26 July 2017 at 6:36 am | Reply

    How could a government let this happen ? Rivers are the eins of the earth and should not be corrupted like this…disgusting.

  3. Rosemary Martin | 26 July 2017 at 8:37 am | Reply

    And severe consequences!! This is stealing on a vast scale & all involved should be penalised.

  4. Ray Ratcliffe | 26 July 2017 at 11:33 am | Reply

    This is evidence of systemic corruption. ICAC must be brought in you investigate, anything less would be an admission of guilt. Just shows Liberals never change. They walk hand in hand with whoever gives then the most cash. It’s a disgrace.

  5. Barbara Biddle | 26 July 2017 at 11:47 am | Reply

    Water a valuable resource in the hands of pirates

  6. Josephine Poduti | 26 July 2017 at 12:11 pm | Reply

    Why am I not surprised at all? It seems all of the “people” who have a bit of power are just out for themselves!

  7. I can’t believe the water officials who are investigating this have had their numbers cut after finding out all the wrong doing going on Why haven’t these companies been fined.It stinks of collusion and kickbacks.

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