Coup in Bolivia leads to a political crisis

Photo from CNN: Evo Morales the president deposed by the coup in Bolivia

Contributed by Jim Hayes

Not doubt about it. The ending of Evo Morales’s presidency in Bolivia was a coup, engineered by the United States, in partnership with Bolivia’s privileged elite.

The coup was made possible through the use of the police and army.

Morales quit because he was given an ultimatum. Staying on would have meant a lot of bloodshed. So the president chose exile in Mexico for now, and he made it clear that this is far from over.  He said he would return if the “people ask for it.’

Here’s what happened

The Military Coup Against President Evo Morales

Video from BadEmpanada

 “This coup d’etat that has triggered the death of my Bolivian brothers is a political and economic plot that came from the US,” said Morales.

What do they have against him? Three things sum this up.

The beginning of a land reform process that takes land from the big landowners and hands its over to the peasants. A redistribution of wealth that has seen the lifting half of the 60 percent of the population, who were living in serious poverty. Being indigenous and representing working class and poor people, who are mostly darker skinned than the more privileged section of society.

Bolivia’s miners were out on 10 November.

Video from Calma Pueblo

” what will not forgive us the empire is that an indigenous brother has handled and has driven better through the government. That’s what hurts and doesn’t let them sleep. “

Words of Orlando Gutiérrez, Secretary of the unique Union Federation of mining workers of Bolivia.

Aside from the police and army, who is domestically politically tied to the the coup?

This video clip below exposes two principle leaders, that one has a Neo-Nazi background and the other, the former president who was beaten by Morales in an election, heads a political party funded from Washington.

Video from RT

Senator. Jeanine Áñez was sworn in as the new interim president, although she has not been approved by the parliament. Nevertheless, she declared her interim presidency and immediately got support from the United States. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, congratulated her.

It is therefore hardly surprising that one of her first actions in the new rolewas to recognise the other self-proclaimed president, Juan Guaido of Venezuela, even though his star is dwindling.  

Áñez, a former television journalist, made a great show of entering the parliament with as bible in hand. But she also has an openly racist twitter account that constantly disparages the indigenous people of the country. Evo Morales is indigenous.

As interim president she is supposed to call a new election within 90 days. Although she has said she will call one, she has not set a date, and said to the media that people of good character will be allowed to participate. This means that it is intended to restrict either candidates or voters. At least, this is the plan.

But life is far more complicated than assuming office.  Many Bolivians are fighting back, and they are out in the streets. They want her out. The nation has been plunged into turmoil.

On 13 November, the day after Áñez had sworn herself into office, Morales supporters were out in the streets. They demanded her resignation and the return of the deposed president.

Video from Ruptly

Police latter attacked using tear gas grenades.

Video from Ruptly

The standoff continues. Opponents of the new administration are being detained. Details of this have not come out yet.

To underline the seriousness of the situation, the United States has ordered family members of U.S. government employees to leave. Bolivia is no longer regarded as safe. Britain has warned its citizens not to travel there.

It seems that the coup plotters may have opened a can of worms. It is now a battle of wills. If the protests against the coup, keep on and build momentum, Áñez and her backers will be in real trouble.

The key factor is what the army will do. The commander who told Morales to go has himself resigned, along with, other key figures. This suggests some division has emerged in the ranks. There has not yet been a recognition of Áñez from this quarter.

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