Video: “Gaza” the short documentary gives a graphic view of the Israeli occupation

On 2 February, this short documentary on Gaza by Carles Bover Martínez and Julio Pérez Del Campo, won the Goya prize for this category. It provides a graphic view of the brutality of Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. The Spanish censors cut a bit out, which denounced Palestinian Apartheid in Gaza.

Efforts by pro-Israel groups to have the documentary banned have caused a response against the attempt. One of them is in the United Kingdom, where a letter has been published in the Guardian and signed by dozens of British artists, including filmmakers Ken Loach and Mike Leigh; actress Julie Christie; musicians Peter Gabriel and Roger Waters; author Yann Martel; and designer Vivienne Westwood.

Video from Podemos

Estreno del corto documental Gaza

Ayer, el documental Gaza, de Carles Bover Martínez y Julio Pérez del Campo, ganó el Goya a mejor cortometraje documental. 👏👏Cortometraje documental que ha sido CENSURADO por denunciar el apartheid palestino en Gaza por parte de Israel.Aquí lo podréis ver completo 👇

Posted by Podemos on Sunday, February 3, 2019

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