Contributed from New South Wales
Hidden behind the big headlines is that the Morrison government is has been cooking up rorts to hand over taxpayer money to the gas companies. This dirty money sacrifices spending on alternative clean energy.
The is why online community activist organisation GetUp is launching a campaign, to put a light on what is going on and try to stop it.
A big part of this is an advertising campaign, and supporters can chip in by going to this link.
the lobbying is being led by the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA).
It is no secret that the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission charged with leading the recovery of the Australian economy, is stacked by representatives of the gas and coal industries and has the $60 billion not spent on JobKeeper in its hands. This money is to be used for bailouts of private business, and the gas industry has its hand hands out for a big slice.
They are moving to fast track the process and try to get the scam through before too many people notice.
There is a push to spread coal seam gas extraction, otherwise known as fracking. This is especially damaging to soil, water resources, animals, and human beings.
Investment on gas is not what Australia needs at this time. It is a dirty fuel, and it is vital to turn our workplaces and homes away from its use, if the climate crisis is to be fought.
Investment must go into renewable and clean power, and businesses must redesign their operations to match.
But there is an interest group working hard against this. They are making money from gas and don’t care about the damage it causes. The Morrison government is spruiking gas and other fossil fuels ad the engines to fix the economy and get in on a growth path.
All it will do is divert investment from other areas and continue to increase carbon emissions.
Australia has to stop them.

Oxygen, water and food are essential to life. But if anyone’s got a CSG enema and a lighted match I know exactly where they can put it.
what a arsehole