George Pell must be made to answer allegations over paedophile scandal

Cardinal George Pell
Contributed by Ugly

The head of the Catholic Church in Australia, Cardinal George Pell, is in deep trouble over alleged conspiracies, cover-ups and broken lives, caused by paedophiles with the church.

This is a serious issue that should not be used to bash the Catholic Church. Abuse of the young exitss in other denominations and other organisations where those who prey on the young have opportunities.

Having said that, George Pell remains culpable, if he is guilty of what is being alleged. Cover ups and conspiracies to hide the truth can never be justified. When a growing number start making claims that they have been the victims of Pell’s own lust, he has a moral obligation to answer to this too.

Instead of doing the right thing, being open and playing his part in cleaning up the stain in his church, he has chosen to hide like a coward. By doing this he has put himself and his church into disrepute.

Supporters of Pell call out for a fair go. It is certainly right that trial by innuendo and media is wrong. But there can be no denying that Pell has brought much of this on himself, by his actions. If he had done the right thing in the first place, he might even have won some respect. As it is, he is a dead man standing and it is hard to see any other future for him, but his departure in disgrace.

The Victorian police, under Taskforce SANO, are now about to issue a warrant for Pell’s arrest, presumably over evidence in their hands. But he currently enjoys diplomatic status as a representative of the Vatican. This protects him from Australian law.

This means that there is an expectation that the Vatican will act. It needs to.  Otherwise it will be seen as a partner in the cover up and an effective condoner of paedophilia and this will undermine the church around the world, as well as in Australia.

It is important that the guilty are dealt with appropriately. The problem needs to be tackled so that young Australians do not continue to be abused. The Catholic Church and the other infected institutions need to clean up their act and show that they are putting measures in place measures to deal with perpetrators and exclude them.

Just as important is for the victims to have closure and to be appropriately compensated for the harm done to them. They deserve to be heard and the rest of us have an obligation to listen.

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