Help me in my contribution to finding a cure for MS

Contributed by Joe Montero

I have recently joined a charity fund drive, which means participating in a 50 kilometre walk or run, to raise money to find a cure for multiple sclerosis. The event has been organised for May by the MS Australia.

This condition, otherwise known as MS, is debilitating, causing a series of effects that get in the way of living life. Sufferers find the myelin sheath estroying their nerves, causing pain, and a gradual loss of function.

Because of the Coronavirus outbreak, this fundraiser is is orgnanised inline this year computer, rather than the usual line up at the start and moving off together as a block. Thid wat, aach individual sharers their own progress, online, and hopefully, gets the sponsored they’re after.

not being in the loop earlier and knowing what is going on, my entry into the event was last minute an unprepared. I’m looking for sponsors for this worthwhile cause.

invisible symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Video from MS Australia

So I signed up and begun to power walk from my home on the 1 May. This took me around number of reserves around Melbourne’s Yarra river, along streets, and ended at Federation Square in the city.

On starting, the intention had been to chalk up to 20 kilometres toewards the total goal of 50 by the end of the month. The sky was overcast On this morning and it looked like rain was a real possibility, making it an odds on bet that this plan would be scuttled. I carried on anyway.

Some three kilmetres later it did rain, and water began to penetrate my clothes. At least it stooped before too long and I continued along the track. Apart from a few light drizzles, there was no more rain, and the day’s plan was saved.

This is not my first walk. I’m a keen advocate of walking as a good excerice, and not only for the physical body. Walking can be contemplative. It can help release stress in your life. You enter into your own thoughts along the way. Sometimes’ life’s puzzles can begin to resolve themselves. Walking can even be immensely enjoyable.

I share this, because it is relevant to life, it’s challenges and overcoming them. MS is certainly a challenge to those who suffer from it. Facing challenges is about life in general. Life demands an effort and effort can also be rewarding. Those who do not put in miss out.

Sure, walking, especially at the 6 to 6.5 kilometres an hour pace, involved effort. But I began to enjoy it so much, that I was in no mood to stop, and ended covering 35 kilometres, by the time I was standing in Federation Square. It took a little over three and a half hours to do it.

With only another 15 kilometres left to go, chances are that the finish line at the end of the month, will be somewhat longer than anticipated., and I look forward to it.

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Being a cancer survivor, I know something of what it’s like to face serious illness. I went though the whole rigmarole of surgery and intensive chemotherapy. I’m one of the lucky ones who pulled through and in the clear. This doesn’t take from how hard it was, being constantly sick, lacking in energy and ability to function normally; dealing with the reality of your mortality and the and the difficulty in communicating to those around you. Only those who go through it can properly understand what it means.

These lessons extend to all parts of our lives. All sorts of obstacles can be overcome by having a positive attitude and getting out there and doing. This includes finding a cure for MS. It is why I want to play my small part, and I hope that my action encourages others to do their part, if not by taking on the 50 kilometres, to at least make a donation, by Just going the link and helping out.

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