Fundraiser for those charged over Adani port action

Photo by Mia Armitage: Lisa, Danny and Ella
From Ella Skerrett
Our Story

On Thursday January 18, 2018, four of us from the Coffs Coast – John Ross, Liisa Rusanen, Daniel Skerrett and Ella Skerrett – along with Townsville school teacher, Megan Armstrong, entered and locked on to the Adani Abbot Point Terminal, near Bowen, Queensland. By locking our bodies to the two coal conveyors at the coal port, the five of us stopped operation of the terminal for 7 hours, significantly delaying two coal export ships. The action was part of an ongoing, sustained direct action campaign targeting Adani and related operations, aiming to prevent coal development in the Galilee Basin. Our action was genuinely successful in causing direct economic disruption to Adani’s operations and gaining widespread media attention, sending a message to potential investors that new coal projects are economically risky and socially unacceptable.

Why did we do it?

We were moved to action because we have seen the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef and other devastating impacts of the climate crisis across the globe; we have heard and stand with the Traditional Owners who said no to new coal in the Galilee; we stand with farmers whose access to groundwater will be decimated by the mine; we stand with communities against companies who are putting profits before people.

With the climate emergency escalating around us, a real existential threat to the planet’s amazing, diverse ecosystems and to human society as we know it, more and more people like us are willing to put our bodies on the line and take direct action against the fossil fuel industry.

The campaign to stop Adani has grown in to a massive community movement across the country, winning some significant steps forward: The biggest banks have ruled out investing in the project; the Queensland Labor Party has vetoed the federal government’s $1 billion loan (NAIF) to Adani; the mining services contractor Downer Group has pulled out of the project; and Aurizon have withdrawn their application to build rail to the Galilee Basis.

Yet as construction continues in the Galilee Basin, the fight goes on. Our Abbot Point action was an important part of this fight, demonstrating that ordinary people will not let this mine go ahead.

What’s next?

We are due appear in Bowen court on 13th March. We face charges including trespass, interfering with port operation, and contravening police direction. Based on recent similar, we each expect to receive over $4000 worth of fines.

We need help to raise the money to pay these fines.

Help us to continue putting out energy and resources into front line action that strives to protect our future. Send an email

Video from Frontline Action on Coal

We've shut down Adani's port again, for a second week in a row! Five people have locked on to conveyers in the Abbot Point coal terminal haulting the export of coal #BlockadeAdani #StopAdaniJoin us here :

Posted by Frontline Action on Coal on Wednesday, January 17, 2018


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