Video: Clear interference shown in documents leaked to Mintpress

The U.S. political interference system used in Hong Kong and other places in Asia is being used in Indonesia, revealed Mintpress, an independent journalism group. Leaked documents show US Embassy in Jakarta is handing out cash to anti-government activist groups. The purpose is to destabilise the government and replace it with one that endorses US ambitions and joins in preparation for conflict with China. Interference of this sort is not limited to Indonesia. Malaysia and Thailand, for example, are other targets.

Using the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to fund, create, and maintain front political parties, union organisations and community organisations, coordinated through the US embassy. NED claims to be a private organisation but is mainly funded by the US Congress. Its subsidiaries include the Journal of Democracy, the World Movement for Democracy, the International Forum for Democratic Studies, the Reagan–Fascell Fellowship Program, the Network of Democracy Research Institutes, and the Center for International Media Assistance.

instructions passed through the US embassy. This is the model that was developed for Hong Kong, where the activities of NED are now illegal.

These are Australia’s northern neighbours, and we should be worried. The deliberate effort to fan conflict in our region will inevitably draw Australia into more military spending, more provocations, and a greater risk of involvement in war.

Is NED interfering in Australia? Quite likely. An investigation is required. If interference is confirmed, NED must be banned from operating just like any other foreign agency that would interfere in Australia’s internal politics.

Video from Fridayeveryday

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