Video: Yellow Vest movement is still going strong after 14 weeks

Photo by Photo Claude Paris: Yellow vests gather in Paris on 17 February

The weekly protests to bring down the Macron government and bring about significant change to France’s economy and politics show no sign of dying out. For the fourteenth week a huge number turned out in the streets of Paris and other centres.

So far, Macron has conceded by cancelling fuel price hikes and increasing wages. But it is proving to be far too little. The movment wants far more sweeping changes.

Government sources estimate that just over 50,000 people took part. It goes without saying that it is in the government’s interests to underestimate this by a long way.

Meanwhile in Australia, like in some other countries, there has been an almost complete media backout, which is made possible by the almost total monopoly control over print and electronic media in the hands of Rupert Murdoch’s empire and a few lesser rivals.

This is a good reason why it is important that the story of real social movements gets out by every means possible. Those who try to stop us from finding out have very good reason to fear. We might be inspired and turn our attention on them.

Together, we must break the media blackout.

W have a right to know.

Video from Ruptly

Once again, the police are sent in to break up the protest. It fails and the government’s authority continues to fall.

Video from VOA News

Government once again retaliates by sending in the police

It was not only in Paris where the Yellow vests showed their presence. The came out in Lyon and Bordeaux for example, where there were also clashes with the police. They came out in In Rouen, where four were deliberately hit by a car driver.

Yellow vests in Lyon

Video by Ruptly

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