Video: Israeli attacks of Palestinians are about an occupation

Photo by Ahmed Gharblivarp/Getty: Smoke from the Al-Aqsa mosque from Israeli military attack on worshipers inside with tear gas and stun grenades

Contributed by Joe Montero

The following gives good idea of Israel’s  efforts to ethnically cleanse occupied Palestinian territories. The method is to terrorise the population. This has scaled up in recent weeks. It reminds of how Jews were treated during the time of the Third Reich in Germany, together with pogroms carried out by extremists backed by the state.

There is also the hypocrisy of blaming the victim for using violence and therefore deserving the treatment, which is either condoned or ignored by certain nations and a great deal of the media. This is exactly what happened with the crimes committed against the Jews.

A new crime against humanity is being unleashed on the Palestinians and the world has a duty to put an end to it.

Although much attention has been given to East Jerusalem and the two security forces attacks on worshipers inside the Al-Aqsa mosque, it  stretches over the occupied territories. Gaza has been hit by tanks shells and bomber raid targeting the civilian population.

Volleys of rubber coated steel bullets and tear gas canisters are being fired into crowds, homes violently raided, and racist Israeli mobs in the streets attack individuals and businesses considered to be Palestinian.

More than 100 people have been killed so far.

Meanwhile, News Corp’s print flagship in Melbourne, the Herald Sun, echoes the line coming out from the Israeli government – that it is mostly the fault of the Palestinians. This and other apologists for the onslaught on unarmed civilians, use the fact that some small missiles have been fired into Israel. But this doesn’t explain the crackdown on an entire population or admit that even if crack down is a response, it is disproportionate.

One could be forgiven for suspecting that anyone who peddles this, must believe that the lives of Palestinian people don’t matter.

United States President Joe Biden explicitly backed the Israeli attacks, only to have to pull back under the fire of the reaction at home. Marches in support of the Palestinians are occurring across many cities. The same is happening in Europe. Actions are taking place in Australia.

Cameras and Mobile phones are recording and showing the atrocities being committed to the world.

Watch the Israeli attacks of Palestinians are about an occupation and the other videos below.

“The fundamental unavoidable reality at the heart of the [Israel-Palestine] conflict is that there is an asymmetry of power here. One side is the occupier. The other side is occupied.”

“Ethnic Cleansing”: amid protests of Palestinian evictions in Jerusalem: Israel Raids Al-Aqsa Mosque

Hundreds of Palestinians have been wounded after Israeli forces raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque for the second time in four days, with reports showing police fired rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas at Palestinian worshipers. Palestinians have been staging weeks of protests to block Israel from evicting dozens of Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem to give their homes to Jewish settlers, which the United Nations has described as a possible war crime. Mohammed El-Kurd, a writer and poet who is organizing to save his family’s home in Sheikh Jarrah, says the world is seeing colonialism in action in Palestine. “What’s happening in Sheikh Jarrah today is nothing short of ethnic cleansing,” El-Kurd says in an interview from Jerusalem. “We are seeing the Israeli government literally doing everything it can to terrorize Palestinians, whereas Israeli settlers can just walk around our neighbourhoods, steal our homes and wield their guns, no questions asked whatsoever.”

Video from Democracy Now!

Gangs of Israelis are attacking Palestinians and shops in several cities while the police just watch

Israeli mob and police violently break into Palestinian family home in Haifa

March in support for the Palestinians in Chicago

100,000 march in London for pro-Palestine rally

Video from Ruptly

1 Comment on "Video: Israeli attacks of Palestinians are about an occupation"

  1. This is a very good article, is explaining the situation in Palestine far more clearly than any press here in Australia has done, relates the criminality of the Zionist led actions against the Palestinians as being parallel to the crimes Hitler & his Nazi regime, and what they did to the Jews in Germany.

    Quite rightly, the article states, “It reminds of how Jews were treated during the time of the Third Reich in Germany, together with pogroms carried out by extremists backed by the state.

    There is also the hypocrisy of blaming the victim for using violence and therefore deserving the treatment, which is either condoned or ignored by certain nations and a great deal of the media. This is exactly what happened with the crimes committed against the Jews. ”


    That is why so many thousands of Jewish folk across the world are demonstrating against that is being done to the Palestinians.

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