Support Fairfax journalists

Fairfax journalists rally
Editorial Comment

The journalists strike at Fairfax is a just cause. They are not only fighting for their jobs. While this is important, theirs is also a battle against the steady encroachment on reporting on those issues that are important to all citizens and we have a right to know about. This is going to be the effect of increased workloads on those who remain, more syndicated stories and less reporting on what is going on locally.

Regular writers are encouraged and often are members of the journalist’s union, the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), because we recognise that it is important to stick together for our mutual protection and to pursue our collective interests.  It is our duty to come in behind the Fairfax journalists.

They are now into their third day of a week long strike and are picketing the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Give your support. Contact the union, visit #fairgofairfax, send an email opposing the cuts to Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood using this tool, follow opposing the cuts to Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood using this tool.

Refuse to buy a Fairfax newspaper or view their websites during the strike. Tell your friends to do the same.

Watch the video below and pass it on.
Video from the MEAA



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