Queen linked to sacking Whitlam government

Professor Jenny Hocking
Contributed by Jim Hayes

According to Professor Jenny Hocking, who is a historian and researcher at Melbourne’s Monash University, the British Queen was involved in the events that led to the coup against Australia’s Whitlam government in 1975.

Uncovered documents show that Elizabeth II sent an envoy, who flew to Canberra to meet the then Governor General, Sir John Kerr, one month before one of the most significant acts in Australian history took place on 11 November. British High Commissioner Sir Morrice James was also participated in the discussion.

Documents also disclose secret communication between the Queen’s private secretary Sir Martin Charteris and the Governor General.

The discovery presents a smoking gun that proves that the British head of state meddled in Australian politics and against the elected government.

Relevant documents are currently held in the British archives. Some of the details contained in them remain censored however, meaning that the full extent of the involvement is not yet known.

But what is revealed is that during the visit, there was discussion about intervention.

Professor Hocking says,

“They’re discussing the prospect of intervention in Australian politics, they’re discussing how serious it is, how egregious it is.

“There’s no doubt of their intervention … The documents point consistently to British involvement.

“This is why we’re calling for an inquiry into British intervention in Australian politics at this time. We need to know, we need to have access to all the documents”.

The findings are included in the latest edition of her book, The Dismissal Dossier.

These revelations show a parallel between the role of the British Crown and American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) involvement and lend credibility to the notion that Britain and the United states colluded in interfering in Australia’s domestic political affairs and conducted what would later be termed a regime change operation.

As the evidence mounts, it raises serious questions about the nature of Australia’s relationship with the two countries and the lengths they are prepared to go to ensure that their political will is imposed on Australia.

There are two plausible explanations as to why this occurred. There was concern at the highest levels, over Australia’s bid to disentangle from he power of wall and fleets streets, in order to “buy back the farm,”  to build new industries and achieve greater economic independence.Both countries have formidable corporate assets in this country.

And there was a plan to close the Pine Gap foreign military base, during a time when the Cold War still raging and this would have had an adverse effect on the Anglo-American global strategy.


3 Comments on "Queen linked to sacking Whitlam government"

  1. A ridiculous and ill-informed article laced with meaningless invective and rhetoric.

    Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of Australia and the Head of State. An envoy being despatched to Canberra is understandable given the backdrop of an extraordinary use of reserve Crown powers directly relating to the Queen. It was not her, but the Governor General in his exercise of the royal prerogative to terminate the warrants of the Government, who is of interest here.

    The deranged author of this bizarre article is clearly attempting to delegitimise the Australian monarchy and system of government. This article is grossly misleading.

  2. John livesley | 17 October 2017 at 3:27 pm | Reply

    There is another possible explanation given the known facts of the case. The Governor General is the representative of the Crown and constitutionally must act accordingly. I suggest that the meetings were only to discuss the constitutional issues arrising, so no smoking gun. We have however, had a very obvious smoking gun on foreign interference in Australian politics,that of Sam Dasyari and the Chinese.

  3. Turid Hopwood | 18 October 2017 at 9:19 am | Reply

    I hope this is not a conspiracy theory.

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