Boris Johnson aims for quick Brexit and extreme neoliberalism as Britain’s new Prime Minister

Photo from AP: Boris Johnson reacts to becoming Prime Minister

Contributed by Joe Montero

Britain’s maverick politician Boris Johnson had made it to the top of the Conservative Party and realised his ambition to become Prime Minister of the United kingdom.

This is a man whose style is often likened to US President Donald Trump., and the two often sing each other’s praises.

They call him Britain Trump

In his own unique way Trump ignores the reaction to his two visits to the United Kingdom, invents a new reality and praises of Boris Johnson.

Video from Guardian News

But what does this mean for the United Kingdom? Judging by the tone of quite a few comments so far, Johnson poses a very real threat. It’s not just that he is brash and rude, like his friend in the White House, Donald Trump. He is likely to generate social division. In his early career as a journalist, the Eton educated toff made a mark.

Boris Johnson is a cunt (beware of the colourful language. View at own discretion)

Using Andrews type proper English accent the lyrics and a suitable tune Boris Johnson is thoroughly castigated.

Video from Associated Rediffusion

Johnson has surrounded himself with people who share his anti-European Union and extreme free market views.  More than half of Theresa May’s cabinet has gone, and it is likely that others will be trimmed from the frontline before long, as far as Johnson is able to get away with it.

Most important to Britain, is what this will do to Brexit in the short-term and domestic social and economic policies for the longer term.

He has already said that Brexit will be delivered with or without a deal by 31 October. This may be easier to promise than to deliver. Many Britons want to remain, and this is most marked in Scotland and Northern Ireland. There is a risk of creating deeper cracks in the United Kingdom. There also remains considerable opposition within the Boris Johnson’s own Conservative Party.

Former Conservative MP Nick Boles who quit over the Brexit fiasco tweeted: “The hard right has taken over the Conservative Party Thatcherites, libertarians, and No Deal Brexiters control it top to bottom.”

Photo from the BBC: Nick Boles

Another, former Attorney General Dominic Grieve, said this to Sky News about Boris Johnson: “I don’t share his optimism about his opinion of himself,” and: “He’s a Charlatan. That is the clear evidence of his career and the way he has operated politically.

Those of us who have worked alongside him and had the chance of watching him can see for themselves his modus operandi, and his capacity for both deception, and those are the two ingredients of charlatanism.”

An important factor is how the currently divided business sector responds. A major section fears losing its trade and other connections with Europe, while another is pushing for increased integration with the United States. Johnson represents the second.

More widely, there is the fear that a break will be bad for the economy and reduce jobs.

Johnson has pledged to apply a range of other policies. Law and order are an important one. Another 20,000 police are to be recruited. Although he has promised more spending on health and education, it is probable that much of this will be devoted to increasing the privatisation of both. His ideological bent and that of those appointed with the ministerial responsibilities follow this direction.

There are two possibilities. The objective of changing the United Kingdom into a test model for severe neoliberalism and make it more unequal like the United States, will forge ahead. The other is that the Brexit strategy may crash, and that opposition to this and other policies will rise so much, that the government will create such instability that it will force an election

1 Comment on "Boris Johnson aims for quick Brexit and extreme neoliberalism as Britain’s new Prime Minister"

  1. Johnson us nothing but Trumps dumb ass little brother. He and his nutjob Government will destroy the country and the UK. People will leave in mass. Most British hate the USA. Why would they want to be anything like them?

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