International workers meeting in Caracas gives support to Bolivarian Revolution

Photo by PSUV: Participants and the meeting

Contributed by Joe Montero

More than 900 delegates from union organisations representing 25 countries gathered in Caracas (Vene\zuela) from 29 to 31 August, to take part in the first meeting of Workers in Solidarity with Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution. A 63 member Venezuelan delegation also took part in the event.

The importance of this event was that it took place when the United Sates is ramping up pressure with more sanctions and the threat of a naval blockade. International support is important to survival and overcoming the wall of international misinformation and gaining the support of those in other countries to help.

This event was called the First international Meeting of Workers.

U.S. withholds $5 billion for Venezuelan medicine

Video by TeleSUR English

US Witholds 5Bn For Venezuelan Medicine

The US has seized Venezuelan funds designated for medicines.

Posted by teleSUR English on Friday, March 22, 2019

A final declaration was read at the end of the three days of discussion meeting by delegate from Mexico, Gabriela Santos. It urged the Lima group and the United States to respect Venezuela’s sovereignty.

“We demand respect for the sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and we ratify the resolute support of the Bolivarian Revolution. We support the effort of the legitimate president Nicolas Maduro to maintain peace in the South American nation,” the document reads.

The declaration also rejects the militarisation of Latin America and Caribbean countries by NATO nations.

There were a series of further agreements, including ongoing annual meetings. The next will be held in Havana (Cuba).

Speaking on behalf of the Working Class of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, its vice-president Francisco Torrealba said:

“We hope to continue to count on all the willingness you have always had to support he cause of the Venezuelan people.”

“Our president, Nicolas Maduro is making sure our voices are heard. President Maduro is very happy every time someone from another country visits us, because this allows them to form their own ideas about what is happening in our country.”

He said, “the workers will continue supporting Nicolas Maduro because Venezuela will never again be anyone’s backyard.”

Protesters chant ‘No More Trump!’ during march through Caracas

Thousands of protesters marched through the streets of Caracas on Saturday chanting ‘No More Trump’ to demonstrate against what some called the American “Empire.”

“We tell the empire and Donald Trump to get their dirty hands out of our homeland, from Venezuela.

Enough of such sabotage, of so much violence, of so much theft,” said a demonstrator, asking: “What else are you going to steal from us, Donald Trump, the soul?”

“We are looking for the peace of Venezuela, we want to work, we want Venezuela to be unblocked by that empire, by Donald Trump,” another demonstrator said.

The demonstration reached the city centre as they chanted slogans against US President Donald Trump and demanded that financial sanctions against Venezuela be ended. The anti-imperialist march in Caracas coincided the end of the International Meeting of Workers in solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution,

video by Ruptly

1 Comment on "International workers meeting in Caracas gives support to Bolivarian Revolution"

  1. The USA, the biggest terrorist nation on the face of the earth is at it again. It has been fomenting discord, unrest, murder & mayhem in a highly organised way since WW2. It has been trying to manipulate the rest of the world to its own benefit regardless of who gets hurt.
    This is exactly what went on in Vietnam (as the USA releases of documents have shown) & their current subversion attempts in Venezuela to destabilise & take over their oil, to destroy their democratic processes is nought but USA TERRORISM.

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