Adani opponents target airport construction company


Contributed by Ben Wilson

It’s on again. After a fairly quiet few months, opponents of Adani are creatively building their campaign against a company, involved in building an airfield associated with the  Carmichael coal mine in Queensland.

The company site at Pinkenba near the Port of Brisbane, was targeted by Galilee Blockade on Sunday afternoon, as part of an escalating campaign against the company’s $30 million contract.

Originally a private Toowoomba based company,  Wagners was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in December. This usually happens when there is a plan for major expansion and the injection of substantial new investor funds. Waqners has the ambition of becoming much more extensively involved in international business and t is highly likely that involvement with Adani is seen as an important gateway to do this.

It is no surprise, that the company has vowed that it would not be “intimidated” by activists. All the bravado in the world cannot hide the reality that Adani and Carmichael are unpopular with the Australian public, and that this is a risky venture to become involved in.

A campaign by “activists” is going to hurt, ass other major businesses associated with Adani have found.  A list of them have discovered the wisdom of pulling out. For instance, Downer EDI, pulled out  of a $2.6bn construction deal in December last year. When the banks refuse to put their money on it, the writing is no the wall.

On the back of this experience, Galilee Blockade and other groups are in a very good position to make like very difficult for Wagners.

There are increasing signs that Adani is in a difficult position, if not impossible. The needed funds are not coming. The Townsville council, which had previously supported and was willing to commit money top the airport, is now getting cold feet.  Major Jenny Hill is now saying the deal would not be signed off until Adani “can guarantee the project will go ahead”.

Opposition might by the main reason that Carmichael has fallen into difficulties.There is also the question of ongoing financial viability, and another little problem, the world moving from coal and alternatives becoming much cheaper.



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