Video: Older people take to the streets in Bilbao to fight for decent pensions

Photo by Miguel Toña/EFE: Thousands of pensioners joining the rally in Bilbao

Age pensioners in Bilbao, the capital of the Basque territory in Spain’s north, out in the streets. They are part of an ongoing nationwide campaign fighting for better pensions. Enough to maintain a dignified standard pf living for those who have contributed to the nation’s well being over a lifetime. They are now at 25 percent of the average income.

The key demand is for a constitutional guarantee, under article 50, of and adequate and periodically updated pension that provide enough to ensure the self-sufficiency of older citizens.

They also stood for maintaining and improving the wages and conditions that they had won over their working lives, and drew attention to the attack on and privatisation of government services by certain political parties.

Video by Podemos

Pensionistas en Bilbao a las calles para defender sus pensiones

Los poderes públicos garantizarán, mediante pensiones adecuadas y periódicamente actualizadas, la suficiencia económica a los ciudadanos durante la tercera edad […]" Artículo 50 de la Constitución.Ayer se volvieron a reclamar masivamente unas pensiones dignas en Bilbao 👇

Posted by Podemos on Tuesday, August 20, 2019

This is one day in campaign that has been huge through the whole of Spain. Below are some examples that took place in recent months

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